Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Your Dreams Interpreted During Dream Awareness Weekend, April 29-May 1, 2011

Have you ever wanted your dreams interpreted by a Dreamologist? Well now is your chance to find out what your dream symbols are trying to tell you – for FREE.

According to Dreamschool, whether you fly, lose your teeth, or appear late to take a test in your dream, your dream is trying to reach you with its messages.

"As you know, interpreting your dreams will help you understand yourself, improve your health, solve problems, create a better life, learn life lessons, and make wiser choices. Dreams will show things that are out of reach of the five senses, and of (the) waking mind."

The National Dream Hotline® celebrates its 23rd anniversary this year, and they invite you to call in to their hotline at 417-345-8411 starting Friday, April 29, at 6 p.m. central time. The dream interpretation will continue until midnight Sunday, May 1, 2011.

So if you're dreaming about situations that require some insight and you want to give a Dreamologist a try, give the National Dream Hotline® a call.

Register HERE for the Dream Awareness Weekend. HURRY! Dreamschool is accepting only 50 people from each area around the country:

Dream Awareness Weekend
Starts: Friday, April 29, at 6 p.m.
Ends: Sunday, May 1 at 12:00 a.m.

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3-Year-Old Interprets Her Own Dream

Ever since I was a child, I've asked people to tell me about their dreams. Dreams fascinate me, so nearly every morning, when we had the time, my children and I shared our dreams.

When my youngest daughter, Brittney, was three years old, she told me about one of her dreams. All she said was, "A bee stung me."

"What happened next?" I wanted to know.

"The bee said, 'that feel good?'"

"What did you say when the bee asked you if it felt good?" I asked Brittney.

She responded to the bee by saying, "No," and then added to me, "The bee was Daddy."

I'm sure a slap on the butt can feel like a sting to a child. I didn't press her, but I was surprised by how easily she transferred ownership of the bee sting to something her daddy had done to her.

Adults often don't recognize symbols that appear in their dreams, so I was surprised to discover that this little 3-year-old recognized that the bee symbolized her daddy.

Like Brittney's dream symbols, our own individual dream symbols can help us identify elements that affect our waking lives. As I've mentioned in previous Your Weird Dreams posts, the best book I've ever found on dream interpretation is the one written by Gayle Delaney – Living Your Dreams.

Living Your Dreams is written in such a way that it appears to have been individually tailored to help each dreamer. You interpret your own dreams with your own symbols using her methods, and she helps you identify your own individual dream symbols.

Pay attention to the symbols in your dreams. As you strive to learn who you are, clues will appear in your dreams that will help you solve the mystery that is you.

If you would like to read more from this author, click any of the following links:

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Are Your Dreams Weirder Than Usual Lately?

For dreamers who are also astrology buffs, listen up. Over the next several months, your dreams might be even more bizarre than usual.

The reason? Pluto has gone renegade (I mean retrograde), and your dreams might be just a little more unusual than they've ever been. Because of Pluto, you will probably find yourself dreaming about your past.

Pluto Retrograde, by the way, means that Pluto will appear to be moving backwards.

Before I go any further, I'd like to emphasize the word past. By past, I don't mean your childhood; I mean your past life.

Pluto rules the underworld, or Hades, and is astrologically connected to your past life.

So if you find yourself involved in dreams where the characters in your dream seem somewhat – or completely – unfamiliar, or partially familiar but in a strange setting, it could be because you are dreaming about your past life – due to Pluto's retrograde status, which began on April 9, 2011.

How long will Pluto Retrograde last? Pluto will remain retrograde until September 15, 2011.

If you are one of the recipients of a weird dream, I'd love to hear about it. Please post your weird dreams at

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Past Life In Holocaust?

Hundreds of us stood in a huge building with a domed-shaped ceiling. It felt like a way-station or a train station. All of us who were being ushered into two lines stood in a state of shock and panic, many of us not knowing what the lines meant.

I knew that I was in the "good" line, but as I looked over to the "bad" line, the one that was sure to be torturous for anybody standing in it, I saw my father.

He didn't know what lay ahead of him and as I called out to him, I realized he couldn't hear me. I kept calling him and calling him, hoping he would hear my desperate pleas across the large room, but he kept walking.

Finally I ran over to him and grabbed his arm. I told him he was in the wrong line and that he had to follow me. We ran over to the good line together. And that's all that I can remember.

The interesting part about this dream is that I saw that domed-type structure in a documentary on the Holocaust years after I had the dream. The feeling I experienced as I saw the exact structure from my dream on that television documentary threw my body into a state of shock.

All I could do was stare at the screen and wonder how I could possibly have seen the details of that building in a dream without ever having visited it in person.

Was it a train station? Could it have been a past life?

If you have any weird dreams you would like to share please send them to: – and if you would like to read more from this author, please click any of the following links.

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